Vision & Priorities
It's time for a global reset
A Letter From Our Co-Chairs
Dear Global Citizen,
We are in a pivotal point of history as humanity faces multifaceted crises unlike anything we have seen before.
Our world is increasingly defined by the interplay of complex problems, as a myriad of emergencies unfold simultaneously and fuel further global disruptions. In the years ahead, we expect two major issues to create unprecedented challenges: The impacts of climate change and the rise of pathogens with pandemic potential.
We have already seen the early impacts, from the rise of extreme weather events to the COVID-19 pandemic. These effects will only accelerate as the crises unfold. If we do not curb our growing emissions by the end of the century, climate change could be responsible for 75 deaths per 100,000 people—more than five times the rate of the COVID-19 pandemic. We must also prepare for new pandemics, which may become more prevalent as climate change shrinks habitats and creates new opportunities for pathogens to transmit from animals to humans.
Individually, each of these challenges could redefine our world—destroying crops, sickening workers, and contributing to mass migration. Combined and left unchecked, these phenomena have the potential to inflict mass death and devastate the global economy. Our response—or lack thereof—will define the future of our planet and our people.
It is clear that our existing toolkits are insufficient for the task. We must draw on every resource at our disposal to develop and implement new strategies that will help us build healthier, more equitable, more sustainable, and—above all—more resilient societies.
That is the heart of the Reform for Resilience Commission’s mission.
Our Commission was created to help shape and communicate the new models, metrics, and practical policies that will enable our vision of inclusive growth. We are actively collaborating with public, private, and academic leaders across the globe to chart the path forward.
We welcome your involvement in this vital effort, and we look forward to working alongside you to establish a more resilient world. To support our efforts, please contact us at secretariat@r4rx.org.
José Manuel Barroso, chair of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and former President of the European Commission from 2004 to 2014
Malcolm Turnbull, former Prime Minister of Australia from 2015 to 2018
Michelle A. Williams, Joan L. and Julius H. Jacobson Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health